Mrs. Holt: Defender of recess!

I always want to know how administrators and teachers approach recess. To me, recess is a part of the affective curriculum, and I place a high value on it. While I do not see myself hijacking my students’ recess time too often – for true play is not directed and enforced by an outside, non-player –…

My E-Portfolio

It occurred to me the other day: I’ve spent so much time and effort creating an e-portfolio to demonstrate my competency, why am I not sharing it with anyone who is interested in learning more about me? My portfolio was very well received, yet I still see areas I would improve. I’d like to think…

Pixels: The new letters

I have to laugh at myself: I clicked the link multiple times, and was so confused as to why one of my references from ED550: Research Methods kept popping up. I’d already read thru a lot of this information when I was creating my research proposal, so it took me a minute to figure…

Digital Equity

I love how technology continues to be the silver bullet for wiping out societal inequity. I feel like this mistake has played out so many times over the years, and the research continues to show the same thing: Gaps happen because experiences are different. Experiences in social environments, home environments, economic environments, and physical environments…

I <3 the LOC

Isn’t it SO amazing the LOC has such a vast digital library?!? The images have such high resolution, it’s as if I were holding their subjects in my hands, and using a magnifying glass. It’d be so cool to have a field trip, where the docent demonstrates how they digitize documents. I am reminded of…

Digital Storytelling – “Roar, Jill”

This assignment took a book called “Bark, George”, which has a barnyard theme, and re-imagined it as a jungle-theme. We used Pixlr to edit, and augment the images. Then we used PPT to create each page in the story. Once the PPT was created, we converted it to a Google Slide. Then we added audio…

Roar, Jill!

Originally posted on Learning with Miss M!:
Here is our attempt at a Digital Story for my technology course, ED 554. It’s called?Roar, Jill, an adaptation of Bark, George by Jules Feiffer. The original story follows a puppy, George, who seems to be having some difficulties making the right kind of sounds typical dogs make.…

Introduction to Jamestown Economics

Hey everybody! Tonight’s homework is to go to the Jamestown Economics google form, watch the embedded video, analyze the embedded images, and answer the 10 questions related to conducting a primary source picture analysis. For help, please read the instructions at the top of the form. Have fun! _________________________________ To create this presentation, I downloaded Mix, a…

Brain Power, Math Makeover, & Little Programmers

 The Moxie Institute: Brain Power: From Neurons to Networks | This was an interesting video; it compared the internet to a child’s brain. The graphics were excellent; I especially liked the parts with the adult and the child. I don’t know if anyone else caught it, but while the child’s brain was “blooming” the adult’s brain began to…

Research Class: Poster Session

  Anybody else looking for more direction on how to do our posters? I went looking, and found some advice from Colorado State. That advice referenced a journal article from 1990, titled “Poster session: The key to communication of ideas“. Hope it helps; I haven’t reviewed all of it, but it seemed like a good…

Frontline: Generation “Like”

OK, I have to admit my gut reaction to this video is disgust. I can’t help but say how CREEPY this entire concept is to me. I feel so judgmental; where are these value systems they talk about coming from? Oh dear, have I become a dinosaur? As for the connection between media and the classroom: I’m…